After losing both my parents within the space of 9 months my world was shaken to its core. I had to learn to figure out this new
way of life without them by my side.
I had worked in the toy industry for 20yrs building my career, climbing the corporate ladder, running ultra marathons; living in this high paced, adrenaline filled body! But suddenly none of that mattered, it just didn't fulfil me anymore. ...​
I had been suffering from chronic anxiety and OCD since a child after living through multiple traumatic events and at the age of 37 I spoke aloud to my therapist about it for the first time ... up until then it had been my secret for almost 30yrs!
​I embarked on slowing down, becoming aware of my body, my breath, making friends with my with anxiety and grief, nourishing my body as I navigated through the rollercoaster of sudden loss and healing my trauma.
I found Yoga and trained as a Yoga Teacher, I discovered breath work which literally took my breath away! and became a Breath work Facilitator and I fell in love with Grief Movement and became a Grief Movement guide.
​Using breath, sound and movement helps me daily to flow with a little more ease through life.
my goal
To help others who are living with pain, trauma, mental health issues, a sense of wellbeing, anxiety, grief and many more heavy feelings, to support you, witness these feelings using
breath, movement, sound and talking
giving you tools to help you to continue on your path feeling a little lighter, a little less raw, a little more at peace.
I work with a combination of face to face and
online group and 1:1 sessions.
Each session is tailored completely to your specific needs.​​
I am so passionate and driven to give what I can to
help others in need.